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Updated: Oct 25, 2020


aka Garden mint, Common mint, Lamb mint and Mackerel Mint


Propagate : Cuttings , Seedings

Light : Sunny

Water : Once a day

Soil : good drainage

Fertilizer : twice a month


Osteoarthritis : Drinking spearmint tea reduces pain and stiffness by a small amount in people with knee osteoarthritis.

Male-pattern hair growth in women (hirsutism) : Drinking spearmint tea twice daily for up to one month can decrease levels of male sex hormone (testosterone) and increase levels of female sex hormone (estradiol) and other hormones in women with male-pattern hair growth.

May Lower Blood Sugar : Spearmint tea helps lower blood sugar level in people with diabetes. Finely chop the leaves and place them in a cup. Pour boiling water over leaves and steep for 10 minutes. Serve.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) : Spearmint tea or chewing directly on spearmint leaves is often recommended to treat or manage the condition effectively.

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