Pugad Baboy 25 Pdf Download
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Back at the Line 1 station, Taxx Vader explains how they will return to the present. The Pugad Baboy gang will be driven to the Line 1 station in a black Bentley driven by a chauffeur who will then leave them in another LRT station. Taxx Vader explains that this time, the time warp will open at the entrance of the station, not the Line 1. They will then be transported to another time zone.
Back at the Line 1 station, the group begins to board another LRT car, but Taxx Vader explains that the black holes in time zones only open to a limited number of people. Since the Pugad Baboy gang has no other means of transportation, Taxx Vader will use his Mocambo's Bentley to transport them to the Line 1 station, but the group will not be in the LRT car. Instead, they will be transported in Taxx Vader's Bugatti.
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