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aka Artemisia Vulgaris


Propagate : its a weed family

(The chemicals that are given off from the roots will inhibit the growth of plants nearby, so be vigilant)

Light : Sunny

Water : Once a day

Soil : good drainage

Fertilizer : not necessary


Digesting Fat : Mugwort, when analyzed as a word, means useful in a beverage (“mug”) and herb (“wort”). Historically, it was used to make small-batch beers. In fact, it’s a proper bitter and has been shown to be helpful in digesting fats by supporting the liver and gallbladder.

Hormone Regulation : Mugwort must be used with care by women, however, as it has the ability to start the menstrual cycle. I have recommended mugwort to young women, as well as women of menopausal age, for its regulating effect on female hormones

Dewormer: Just like many other members of the artemisia family, mugwort is an effective remedy for worms of various kinds in the human body. We often give it to our animals as a fresh treat.

Prevent Sore Feet: Folklore about mugwort tells us that it is especially useful for easing the discomfort of travel. Roman soldiers were known to line the soles of their sandals with mugwort leaves to keep their feet from hurting on long marches.

Insecticide: When growing in the garden, mugwort not only inhibits other plants, but also repels insects. If you must pull it, you can mash up the leaves and make a tea to use as a spray. Mugwort, when used in moderation, will prevent insect infestations and prevent the development of larvae. As always, with a natural spray it is important to remember that what you do to the bad bugs you do to the good bugs.

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